
Ein Schüler singt drei mal die 6 Verse aus dem "Universal Prayer", die er aus der Unterrichtung von Swami Rama in Honesdale, Pensylvania USA vor 20 Jahren noch  behalten hat. Die Textstelle ist fett gedruckt.


Asto ma sad gamaya

Tamso ma jyotir gamaya

Mrityor ma amritam gamaya


Om Saha navavatu

Saha nau bhunaktu

Saha viryam karavavahai

Tejasvinavadhi tamastu

Ma vidvishavahai

Om Shanti  Shanti  Shanti  Om

Om may Braham protect us (Teacher and student) both

May Braham nourish us both

May we both acquire energy (as a result of this study)

May we both become illumined by this study

May love and harmony prevail between us

Om Peace Peace Peace

Om purnamidah Purnamidam Purnat Purnamudachayate

Purnasya Purnamadaya Purnamevavashiyate

Om Shanti   Shanti   Shanti

Om, The unvisible (Braham) is the Full The visible (The world) too is the full From the Full (Brahman the full (visible Universe) has come

The Full (Brahman) remains the sam even after the full (the visible universe) has come out of the full (Brahman)

Om Peace Peace Peace